Copyright Notice, Disclaimer & Credits

© 2012-2018 Scarpellini Naj-Oleari & Partners. All rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER: This website and its content, including any and all publications, convey general informational purposes only and may not reflect current legal developments: they are not intended, nor should they be interpreted as, legal advice or legal opinion.[br] Links to other websites or web pages are provided as a convenience to the users. We do not endorse and we are not responsible for any third party content.
If you are seeking legal or other professional advice on the matters dealt with, please contact us at the following address:

Layout: Federica Naj-Oleari/Alma Creativa
Video: mementoproduzioni;
Music: flutist/, thesecession/;
Producer: Alma Creativa, 2012;
Photos “The Firm”, “Publications”, “Join Us”, “China Desk”, “Team”: Carla De Bernardi, 2011.