How to protect designs in Italy

During the last Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, a conference was held entitled “From the idea to the product: how to protect design”. This conference was the second meeting of a round of open lectures on copyright given by the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in order to explain to the next generation of artists how to protect their designs at every stage, from conception to distribution.

Thanks to the speaker’s contribution, led by Prof. Domenico Nicolamarino, students learnt how to register EU design, how to get protection by copyright law, how to get protection from counterfeiting in Italy.

According to one of the speakers invited, Mrs. Marella Naj-Oleari, who was interviewed by the newspaper Il Giornale: “The world of art and the world of law frequently brush against one an other without understanding each another. But, especially in this sector, mutual knowledge is extremely important, sometimes crucial. In the courtroom, design is often defeated, but I’m sure this wouldn’t happen, should design be more well known within an artistic and cultural perspective. On the contrary, artists know little about copyright, consequently they don’t often protect their works well”.

A third meeting will take place in April, in order to talk about copyright law and contemporary art. For further information:

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