IP Infringements under 231/2001 decree in the Fashion Industry

Intellectual Property Infringements ex Legislative Decree n. 231/2001 in the Fashion Industry is the article published by Rivista 231 in the November issue, written by Marella Naj-Oleari and Giovanni d’Adamo, Development Compliance Partners S.r.l.

IP rights infringements could constitute criminal offenses from which arises criminal liability for companies under Legislative Decree n. 231/2001. In the Fashion market the risk of interfering with other IP’s rights is extremely significant and often underestimated.

The inclusion of IP crimes in the 231/01 list gives companies the opportunity to analyze processes and verify their own internal control system in order to assess its suitability.

The Authors give an overview about IP crimes that may affect fashion companies, emphasizing also the areas most at risk and the control procedures designed to minimize the repetition of these crimes.

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